Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Confirmed evidence of Benefit of Omega 3s fish oil!

Well, I just couldn't stop myself from putting up a second post on the very first day of my blog, but then I got an email from Medscape Daily News written by Lisa Nainggolan, regarding Fish Oil! So, here it is, directly from them:

"August 10, 2009— A new review concludes that there is extensive evidence from three decades of research that fish oils, or more specifically the omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs) contained in them, are beneficial for everyone [1].

This includes healthy people as well as those with heart disease — including postmyocardial infarction (MI) patients and those with heart failure, atherosclerosis, or atrial fibrillation — say Dr Carl J Lavie (Ochsner Medical Center, New Orleans, LA) and colleagues in their paper published online August 3, 2009, in the Journal of the American College of Cardiology."

"Mirroring recommendations from the AHA, European Society of Cardiology, and the World Health Organization (WHO), Lavie and colleagues recommend that healthy people consume at least 500 mg per day of EPA/DHA — equal to around two fatty-fish meals per week — and that those with known CHD or HF get 800 to 1000 mg per day EPA/DHA."

"Asked by heartwire whether people should try to consume more fish or alternatively take supplements, Lavie says: "If somebody really were eating salmon and tuna and mackerel and sardines, and they were doing that several times a week, then they wouldn't need to be taking a supplement. But in the US, at least, very few people are going to eat the therapeutic doses of fatty fish.""

Dr. Lavie also said, "I would tend to think that most people are getting very little omega-3 PUFAs in the diet. There's no harm in taking extra — the only negative of extra is the calories. I don't think anyone thinks now that fish oil is doing any harm."

This is really pretty exciting news as many people have hesitated to supplement with fish oil believing that they have a healthy diet. Just make sure that the supplement you take is pharmaceutical grade and PURE!!

1 comment:

  1. I'm interested in articles like this one.
    I find it reinforces the need to continue taking this supplement. I tend to get lazy and
    forgetfull so this article inspires me to keep going!
